Whether or not the maker has cancelled the order.
The signature the order is signed with.
The date the order was closed.
The date the order was created.
The current price of the order.
The date the order expires.
Whether or not the order is finalized.
The date the order was listed. Order can be created before the listing time.
The account that created the order.
The maker fees for the order.
Whether or not the order is marked invalid and therefore not fillable.
The hash of the order.
The type of the order. Basic/English/Criteria
The contract address of the protocol.
The protocol data for the order. Only 'seaport' is currently supported.
Amount of items left in the order which can be taken.
The side of the order. Listing/Offer
The account that filled the order.
The taker fees for the order.
The latest OpenSea Order schema.